No. 3, July 2, 2016
Theraphosa, Phormictopus, Hemirrhagus
, will be exam-
ined towards a better knowledge of stridulating setae types
for the whole subfamily.
Keywords: stridulating, tarantula, Theraphoside,
Oral presentation
Evolution of tarsal structures in
Jose Paulo Leite Guadanucci
, Juliana Paneczko Jurgilas
Rafael Prezzi Indicatti
, Laura Tavares Miglio
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências
de Rio Claro, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
Avenida 24A n.1515, CEP 13506-900, Rio Claro, SP,
Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas,
Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brazil, 1500, CEP
05503-900 São Paulo, SP, Brazil;
Museu Paraense
Emilio Goeldi, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Avenida
Perimetral, 1901, CEP 66077-830, Belém, PA, Brazil
joseguadanucci@gmail.comMygalomorphae comprise a monophyletic group that
includes trapdoor spiders, funnel web spiders, tarantu-
las. They are considered a primitive group as they retain
several plesiomorphic spider features. In the present work,
we studied the tarsi of representatives of all 16 myga-
lomorph families under Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM) and recorded each distinct cuticular structure
found. We recorded 10 distinct types of setae: (1) stri-
ated setae, characterized by longitudinal marks and
with varying amounts of barbs, found in all families and
Lisphistiomorphae; (2) covering setae, located only on
lateral faces of tarsi and distinguished from the other types
by the bent base and varying texture among the distinct
families, recorded in all Crassitarsae and some Dipluridae;
two kinds of adhesive setae, (3) claws tufts, synapomor-
phic of Theraphosidae+Barychelidae, and (4) scopula,
common to all Crassitarsae, plus Euctenizoidina and some
Dipluridae, (5) apical tarsus setae, similar to adhesive
setae, but differ by the long and thin apex, are present in
all families in varying densities, (6) epitrichobothrial
setae, short, with many small barbs and always located
interspersed with trichobothria, synapomorphic of
Theraphosidae+Barychelidae, (7) filiform, and (8) clavate
trichobothria, both inserted in a distinct bothrium, (9 and
10) sensory setae, recognized by the diagonal marks and
distinguished in two types: one of them is usually very long
with a tapering apex, present on both sexes and all sur-
faces of the tarsi (as well as other parts of the spider body),
and another type of sensory setae is exclusive of males,
located on the ventral surface of the tarsi. Regarding these
last three setae (7-9), the distribution and density through-
out the legs and families are phylogenetically informative.
Along with other features such as tegumentary texture and
tarsal organ, we defined 13 new morphological charac-
ters, some with strong phylogenetic signal.
Keywords: Mygalomorphae, scopula, seta, phylogeny,
morphology, tarsus
Student - poster presentation
Spider form and function: foraging guild,
morphology and performance
*Andrea Haberkern
, David Gray
CSUN, 22054 Wyandotte St., Canoga Park, CA 91303;
CSUN, Department of Biology, 18111 Nordhoff St.,
#CR327 Northridge, CA 91330
andrea.haberkern.526@my.csun.eduSpiders are often the most abundant and diverse predators
in terrestrial ecosystems. They employ a variety of hunting
strategies in different environments. We are examining
ecomorphology of spiders to better understand which traits
are adaptive in each environment. When variation in traits
leads to increase in spider performance, those individuals
with advantageous morphologies may have differential
reproductive success, leading to natural selection on mor-
phology. Here we examine the adaptive morphology of
23 families within several clades of Araneomorphs to test
two main objectives: (1) Use morphological measures and
multivariate statistics (i.e. DFA) to attempt to distinguish
among spider foraging guilds based on morphology. (2)
Test the association between organismal performance
and morphology of traits indicative of guild member-
ship. Spiders within the same foraging guild have similar
morphologies, independent of phylogenetic relatedness.
Morphology was more varied among foraging guilds. We