No. 3, July 2, 2016
attachment by fibrillar adhesion system for smooth surface.
Here, we have examined the whole tarsal appendages of
the jumping spider,
Plexippus setipes
with using scanning
electron microscope to reveal the fine structural charac-
teristics of its dry adhesion system. All eight legs have the
scopula with a pair of claw on the tip of feet. Each scopula
is composed of two groups of setae that are capable of dry
adhesion on smooth surface, however the hook structure
of the claw is advanced to move on the rough surface. The
setae distributed on the bottom side of the tarsal segment
are densely covered by numerous setules. The contact area
of each setule has a triangular shape, and cuticular surface
of the contact area is fully expanded with aid of its elon-
gated stalk. In addition, spontaneous self-adhesion between
the numerous setules and the setae was effectively blocked
due to the numerous microscopic hairs since these hairs
were interspersed on the upper side of the setae.
Keywords: nanostructure, dry adhesion, salticid spider,
tarsal appendage, Plexippus setipes
Poster presentation
Nanoscopic structure of the silk spinning
spigots in the cribellate spider
Myung-Jin Moon, Hoon Kim, Kyo-Jin Kim, Jae-Hwi Seo
Department of Biological Sciences, Dankook Univer-
sity, Cheonan 330-714, Korea
moonmj@dankook.ac.krThe cribellar silk is considered as a quite different sort
of catching silk with dry-adhesive properties. Here, we
describe the functional significance of the cribellar silk
spigots for capture thread production and its peculiar
sieve-like structure in the titanoecid spider
. By our fine structural observation using the
field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM),
surface of the cribellum is covered by hundred of tiny
spigots and its microstructure is quite different from those
of the spigots on the spinnerets with respect to size. All of
these spigots are composed of five segments, and are all
approximately the same length (10 µm). These segmented
and flexible structure enable to bent itself and conjoin
together with adjacent other spigots to form congregate
bundles of spigots. Thus, the calamistrum of the spider
draws silk fibrils from its cribellum and helps combine
them with supporting strands to form a cribellar prey
capture thread. Our fine structural observation support
the hypothesis that physical interaction between cribellum
and calamistrum is likely be attributed to electrostatic
charging during the spinning of fibers on the nano-scale.
Keywords: silk, cribellate spider, nanofiber,
Oral presentation
Repeated evolution of color vision under-
lies rapid diversification of salticid male
Nathan I. Morehouse
, Daniel B. Zurek
, Lisa A. Taylor
Thomas Cronin
Department of Biological Sciences, University of
Pittsburgh; 2Entomology and Nematology Depart-
ment, University of Florida, Gainesville;
of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
nim@pitt.eduA major goal of evolutionary biology is to understand
the events that lead to rapid diversification of form in
the living world. Sensory systems are likely to play an
important role in the diversification of signals, par-
ticularly when major changes to sensory systems enable
newfound sensory capabilities in specific taxa. We studied
whether major transitions in color sensitivity underlie the
rapid diversification of male courtship coloration in the
Salticidae, or jumping spiders. In many species of jumping
spiders, males perform elaborate courtship dances that
involve visual signaling as well as vibratory songs. Court-
ing males often showcase colored body parts during these
dances. In the majority of jumping spiders, these male
visual signals are limited to a restricted color gamut,
typically blues, greens, blacks, whites and browns. However,
several jumping spider taxa represent notable departures
from this trend, exhibiting an expanded color palette that
includes yellows, oranges, and reds. These jumping spiders
present something of a conundrum, because data collected
from closely related taxa suggest that their visual systems
International Congress of Arachnology