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conditions with the Invasive Model, while the later shares

20.3% of its climatic conditions with the Native range. We

concluded that

C. citricola

has the potential for occupy-

ing and expanding into novel climatic conditions when

compared with its native range. This is one of the first

studies that analyzed the potential geographic expansion

of an old word spider in the Neotropics, and set the bases

for measuring the effect on the native spider fauna.

Keywords: niche expansion, invasive, biogeography,

Cyrtophora citricola

Oral presentation

Burmese amber arachnids; biodiversity in

a Cretaceous tropical forest

Paul A. Selden

Department of Geology and Paleontological Institute,

University of Kansas, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard,

Lawrence, KS 66045, USA, and The Natural History

Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK

Known for many years, but thought to be Cenozoic in

age, there has been an upsurge in interest in amber

from Myanmar in recent years, partly because of its

increased availability (especially now on the Chinese

market), and partly because we now know it is mid-

Cretaceous (c. 99 Ma) in age. A great diversity of biotic

inclusions have now been described. Most arachnid

groups are known from Burmese amber: Araneae, Opil-

iones, Solifugae, Pseudoscorpiones, Anactinotrichida,

Amblypygi, Thelyphonida, Ricinulei, Scorpiones, and

Schizomida. In this talk, I shall briefly discuss the

biodiversity of arachnids in Burmese amber, before

describing some interesting new finds from the amber.

Keywords: paleontology, Opiliones, Tetrablemmidae,

Ricinulei, Schizomida, Mesothelae, Pseudoscorpiones

Student - oral presentation

Are males really so insensitive? Palp mor-

phology of a spider

Philodromus cespitum

reveals innervation

*Lenka Sentenská


, Stano Pekár


, Gabriele Uhl



Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University,

Brno, Czech Republic;


Zoological Institute and Museum,

Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany

Male spiders transfer their sperm via a secondary

reproductive organ called palpal bulbus. Based on several

histological studies, this structure is considered to be

unique among all animal genitalia due to possible lack of

innervation. A recent study, however, reported first evidence

of neurons in the male bulbus in

Hickmania troglodytes

from a relict group of spiders. We performed a morpho-

logical study on male copulatory organ of a common

entelegyne spider,

Philodromus cespitum

, whose males

apply amorphous mating plugs into the female atrium

after copulation. By means of microtomography, light

and transmission electron microscopy we discovered a

nerve-like structure in the bulbus. The cymbium of the

palp is richly innervated. One of the nerves departs into the

bulbus, runs through the whole structure and terminates

at the base of the embolus. Interestingly, the nerve is in

contact with two of three different glands situated in the

bulbus. These glands are connected to the spermophore

and may be involved in transfer of sperm as well as mating

plug material. Our combined behavioral and morphologi-

cal observations on the production of mating plugs in this

species suggest that the male gains information about

the intention of the female to interrupt the copulation

and reacts by promptly extruding the plug material. This

is the second case of bulbus innervation in spiders and

the first evidence for nerves in male copulatory organs of

entelegyne spiders. Our results open the window into the

research of genitalic sensory feedback in spiders.

Keywords: male genitalia, palp morphology, innerva-

tion, mating, histology, microtomography, mating plug

Student - poster presentation

Sexual dimorphism in venom gland

anatomy in a sexually stinging scorpion

Lenka Sentenská


, Franziska Graber


, Miguel Richard



Christian Kropf



Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Sci-

ences, Masaryk University, Kotlá


ská 2, 611 37 Brno,

Czech Republic;


Institute of Anatomy, Department





No. 3, July 2, 2016
