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No. 3, July 2, 2016

to uncouple potential depth cues (e.g., absolute and rela-

tive size differences, retinal expansion, motion parallax)

and test their relevance independently. First experiments

confirm the important role of motion parallax for the

preference of close objects.

Keywords: vision, behavior, depth perception, Virtual

Reality, learning

Poster presentation

SpiderVR: A virtual reality setup to

investigate visually guided behavior in

untethered hunting spiders

Martin Streinzer, Maximilian Hofbauer, Axel Schmid

Department of Neurobiology, University of Vienna,

Althanstraße 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Cupiennius salei

serves as important model in neurobi-

ology, neurophysiology and neuroethology. It is equipped

with well developed eyes which are used in various biolog-

ical contexts, such as orientation, object detection, object

discrimination and visual learning. Traditionally, behav-

ioral experiments were performed in large arena setups,

where single or multiple target objects were presented and

the spider’s behavior was recorded. To overcome limita-

tions of these real-world setups, minimize handling time

between trials and to permit presentation of non-static

objects, we designed a Virtual Reality (VR) setup that

can be used to study visually guided behavior in freely

moving large hunting spiders. The spider walks on top of

an actively driven sphere that compensates for its move-

ment. The spider’s position is tracked using computer

vision, which feeds into the motion compensation and the

recording of the walking path. Virtual environments are

presented on a circular screen using four video projectors

that produce a seamless image of 360° horizontal and

50° vertical extent. The virtual scene is rendered for the

current viewpoint of the spider and updated in real-time.

Repetition of previously performed real world experiments

in the virtual environment confirmed that SpiderVR can

serve as alternative for the traditional approach.

Keywords: vision, virtual reality, behavior, computer

vision, motion compensation

Oral presentation

Can genomic approaches resolve the

phylogeny of Argyrodinae (Araneae:


Yong-Chao Su

National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4,

Singapore 11754

Spiders in the subfamily Argyrodinae (Araneae: Theri-

diidae) are known for their web invasion behaviors to

the web of other spiders. These host-parasite associations

include two forms: araneophagy and kleptoparasitism.

Although the behaviors of argyrodine spiders have been the

interest of behavioral ecologists for a long time, the lack of

a robust phylogenetic treatment of this group has hindered

the study of the evolution of these behavioral traits. Su and

Smith (2014) reconstructed the first molecular phylogeny

of the subfamily Argyrodinae and conducted several com-

parative analyses to test the evolutionary association of

group-living behavior and host use. An updated molecular

phylogeny showed the increase in species diversification

rates in Argyrodinae is related to the origin of web inva-

sion behavior and the origin of kleptoparasitism. However,

these molecular phylogenies based on Sanger data could

not resolve several deep nodes thus made the inferences

of the behavioral evolution unsettled. Therefore, genomic

approaches could be the solutions toward a robust phylog-

eny of Argyrodinae. I compared two genomic approaches,

restriction enzyme associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq)

and targeted sequence capture methods (specifically,

ultra-conserved element sequence capture, or UCEs) and

discussed the feasibilities of using genomic approaches

for Argyrodinae phylogeny. The preliminary results of the

genomic approaches showed that RAD-seq approach is

suitable for species group or genus level phylogenies. The

number of homologous loci dramatically dropped when

filtering the DNA fragments for constructing the phylogeny

among genera. The UCEs approach is promising for a fully

resolved phylogeny for Argyrodinae.

Keywords: phylogenomics, restriction site associated

DNA sequencing, ultra-conserved elements, probe

design, character evolution



International Congress of Arachnology