Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash-
ington, DC 20013, USA;
Advanced Light Source,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,
CA 94720, USA;
Entomology Department, California
Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA;
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and
Management, University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
woodh@si.eduSmall animals possess intriguing morphological and
behavioral traits that allow them to capture prey, includ-
ing innovative structural mechanisms that produce
ballistic movements by amplifying power. Power-
amplification occurs when an organism produces a
relatively high power output by releasing slowly stored
energy almost instantaneously, resulting in movements
that surpass the maximal power output of muscles. For
example, trap-jaw power-amplified mechanisms have
been described for several ant genera, which have evolved
some of the fastest known movements in the animal
kingdom. However, power-amplified predatory strikes
were not previously known in one of the largest animal
classes, the arachnids. Mecysmaucheniidae spiders, which
occur only in New Zealand and southern South America,
are tiny, cryptic, ground-dwelling spiders that rely on
hunting rather than web-building to capture prey. Analy-
sis of high-speed video revealed that power-amplified
mechanisms occur in some mecysmaucheniid species,
with the fastest species being two orders of magnitude
faster than the slowest species. Molecular phylogenetic
analysis revealed that power-amplified cheliceral strikes
have evolved four times independently within the family.
Furthermore, we identified morphological innovations
that directly relate to cheliceral function: a highly modi-
fied carapace where the cheliceral muscles are oriented
horizontally; modification of a cheliceral sclerite to have
muscle attachments; and in the power-amplified species,
a thicker clypeus and clypeal apodemes. These structural
innovations may have set the stage for the parallel evolu-
tion of ballistic predatory strikes.
Keywords: ballistic movement, functional morphology,
phylogenetic, evolution
Student - oral presentation
Exploring the relationship between collec-
tive personality and behavioral plasticity
in warring arthropod societies
*Colin M. Wright, Carl N. Keiser, Jonathan N. Pruitt
Department of Biological Sciences, University of
Pittsburgh, 5562 Hobart Street #415 Pittsburgh, PA
15217, USA
cmw132@pitt.eduCollective personalities of animal societies can sometimes
predict whether they flourish or whether they fail. These
collective personalities often arise from the behavioral
composition of the individuals that comprise the society.
Different behavioral compositions generally perform
differently in orchestrating and shaping complex tasks
such as foraging, prey capture, and colony defense. In
instances where predators and prey share a long evolution-
ary history, prey species sometimes exhibit a specialized,
species-specific, anti-predator response to their presence.
Here we show how different behavioral compositions of
desert social spider (
Stegodyphus dumicola
) societies
survive and modulate their collective foraging and defen-
sive behavior in the presence or perceived presence of a
common voracious predator, the pugnacious ant (
lepis custodiens
). Our results reveal a subtle interaction
between group composition and group experience in deter-
mining the collective behavior of spider societies, which, in
turn, can impact their survival under siege in situ.
Keywords: sociality, plasticity, personality, predation
Poster presentation
Competition and autotomy affect survival
and development in cellar spiders
Kerri Wrinn
, Todd Levine
University of Wisconsin Rock County, 2909 Kellogg
Ave, Janesville WI, 53546, USA;
Carroll University,
100 N East Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186, USA
kerri.wrinn@uwc.eduCellar spiders,
Pholcus phalangioides
, are well-known for
their cosmopolitan distribution, facilitated by their ability
to live indoors in colder areas. Indoor living combined
No. 3, July 2, 2016