Student - Oral presentation
Preliminary results of the cladistic analysis
of the genera of Prodidomidae Simon 1884
Bruno Rodrigues, Cristina Rheims
Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto
Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503-900, São
Paulo, SP, Brazil
bruno.vbrodrigues@gmail.comProdidomidae is currently composed of 309 species dis-
tributed in 31 genera occurring in all zoogeographical
regions, except the Antarctic. The family is divided in three
subfamilies: Prodidominae Simon, Theuminae Platnick &
Baehr, and Molycriinae Simon, and characterized by the
piriform gland spigots of the anterior lateral spinnerets
extremely elongated and associated to highly plumose
setae. Traditionally, Prodidomidae, along with six others
families (Ammoxenidae Simon, Cithaeronidae Simon,
Gallienellidae Millot, Gnaphosidae Pocock, Lamponidae
Simon and Trochantheriidae Karsch) composed the super-
family Gnaphosoidea. However, the latest hypothesis of
relationship between the families of Araneomorphae, did
not recover Gnaphosoidea and Prodidomidae was included
in the CTC (Claw Tuft Clasper) clade. This group is char-
acterized by the presence of a distinct mechanism for
moving the claw tuft setae of the legs. Here, we present the
preliminary results of a cladistic analysis of Prodidomi-
dae genera to test the monophyly of the subfamilies and
propose a relationship hypothesis between their genera.
The data matrix comprised 45 species scored for 65 mor-
phological characters. The ingroup comprised members of
20 prodidomid genera. The outgroup included members of
14 genera, all belonging to the family Gnaphosidae, The
analysis was carried out using heuristic search algorithms
under equal weights and resulted in 44 most parsimonious
trees with 196 steps each. The strict consensus recovered
the subfamily Theuminae, including the species
phis palles
, a species originally allocated in Gnaphosidae.
The analysis also recovered the subfamily Prodidominae,
while the subfamily Molicriinae was not recovered.
Keywords: cladistic analysis, Prodidominae, Molycriinae,
Student - poster presentation
A new genus of Neotropical spiders of the
family Prodidomidae Simon (Araneae)
Bruno Rodrigues, Igor Cizauskas, Cristina Rheims
Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto
Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503-900, São
Paulo, SP, Brazil
bruno.vbrodrigues@gmail.comProdidomidae is distributed worldwide and currently
includes 309 species in 31 genera. The family is divided
in three subfamilies: Prodidominae Simon, Theuminae
Platnick & Baehr, and Molycriinae Simon. Theuminae is
the most diverse with 13 genera occuring in the Neotropi-
cal (nine), Afrotropical (three) and Oriental (one) regions.
Four genera are described from Brazil:
Brescovit, Ferreira & Rheims,
Mello-Leitão, and
Simon. The subfamily is
characterized by the presence of a sternum with a large
protrusion between the fourth coxae with numerous long,
erect setae and by the female epigyne with strongly convo-
luted ducts. Here we propose a new genus belonging to the
subfamily Theuminae from the Neotropical region includ-
ing, at present, eight new species from Brazil (five from
Pará, one from São Paulo, one from Pernambuco and one
from Paraíba). Four species are known from both sexes,
two only from males and two only from females. The genus
is characterized by the male palps with a single retrolateral
tibial apophysis, presence of basal cymbial process, long
embolus with sinuous tip, thin and sinuous conductor and
hyaline median apophysis and by the female epigyne with
conspicuous anterior copulatory opening. Five species were
collected exclusively in iron caves and have troglobitic
features such as vestigial eyes or absents.
Keywords: taxonomy, Brazil, Theuminae, new species
Student - oral presentation
Assessment of morphometric characters used
to delimitate species in the genus
Chamberlin, 1930 (Olpiidae: Pseudoscorpiones)
*Catalina Romero, Eduardo Florez
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacio-
nal de Colombia. Colombia;
No. 3, July 2, 2016