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No. 3, July 2, 2016

Pseudoscorpiones is a mesodiverse order into the Class

Arachnida. Species delimitation into several genus has

been done in this group by means of taking diagnostic

characters as linear measurements or proportions

without any statistical criteria. Because of this, one

specimen could be considered as a new species taking

into account only its size or either how stouter or

slender a structure can be if compared with itself in

other species. Furthermore, it ignores the variability of

this kind of characters, due to the fact that measure-

ments may differ depending on the instruments or who

conducts the research. On the other hand, the neo-

tropical genus


Chamberlin, 1930 (Olpiidae)

has seven species described from Costa Rica to Ecuador

with diagnostic characters such as length/width pro-

portions of chela and length/width of pedipalpal tibia

and patella and total length of the body. Therefore,

the aim of this study was to explore and assess the

potential and role of these morphometric characters

in species delimitation for


. In order to

achieve this, 170 specimens were studied from six col-

lections, as well as the five types of the seven species.

From the examined material, 36 measures were taken

from 17 structures in all the body on 57 selected indi-

viduals. Then, a pool of statistics analyses including a

Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, cluster analyses, multiple

correlations, principal components, discriminant func-

tion and multidimensional scaling were carried on.

Those morphometric characters together showed first,

that there was no significant difference of most of the

proportions between males and females; second, a high

correlation between structures of same appendages

was evidenced; and finally the proportions lacked of

explicative power to differentiate species. Given this,

proportions themselves do not support enough the


species proposed currently and other kind of

characters have to be explored in order to find trust-

able diagnostic ones.

Keywords: Pseudoscorpiones, morphometric characters,

multivariate analyses, species delimitation

Student - oral presentation

Understanding how changes in the

ground spider community can enhance

restoration practices

*Sarah J. Rose, P. Charles Goebel

Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology Laboratory,

The Ohio State University School of Environment and

Natural Resources, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH

44691, USA

Fire-dependent jack pine forests of Michigan are the focus

of conservation and restoration efforts as they are the

breeding ground for the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler

(KW). Current forest management practices, focused on

increasing KW habitat, however, simplify landscape struc-

ture. Without an understanding of how these ecosystems

naturally respond to wildfire there are insufficient metrics

to measure the success of restoration that emulates fire

and post-fire succession. One such metric, or indicator of

ecosystem function, is spider community structure and

diversity. Specifically, the ground hunting spider guild

(GHSG) is a good choice as they respond to environmental

changes and are easily sampled. To quantify the GHSG

community we established pitfall traps in 12 former

wildfire sites in northern Lower Michigan. Sites were cat-

egorized as either young (2–7 years post-fire) or mature

(23–41 years post-fire) and all were relatively unaltered

by human activity. We observed significant differences in

the GHSG community composition between the age classes

(MRPP=0.001), and higher diversity (Shannon Diversity

Index) in mature (H’=2.11versus young (H’=1.49) stands

(p<0.01). Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed

that stand age, canopy cover, ground cover, and under-

story plant community composition and density (below

1 m) are important drivers of GHSG abundance. These

data provide valuable insights into the role that natural

disturbances, and their legacies, play in shaping jack pine

forest ecosystems. Differences in the GHSG suggest that the

heterogeneous stand structure associated with naturally

regenerating stands may provide a variety of microcli-

mates, habitat structures, and prey availability; making

them suitable for maintaining a high diversity of spiders



International Congress of Arachnology