No. 3, July 2, 2016
story of spider silk, there are other silk proteins, and
they, too, are members of gene families. The evolution-
ary diversification of serial homologs, whether they are
morphological (silk glands, spigots, spinnerets, etc.) or
molecular (silk genes, iterated amino acid sequence
motifs), is a major theme in understanding spider silk
PLENARY presentation–Thursday, July 7
Evolution of paternal care in harvestmen:
devoted fathers or selfish lovers?
Glauco Machado
Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade de São
Paulo, Brazil
glaucom@ib.usp.brExclusive paternal care is probably the rarest form
of post-zygotic parental investment in nature. This
behavior is known to have independently evolved
in 16 arthropod lineages, nine of them belong-
ing to the small order Opiliones, which comprises
nearly 6,500 species. Thus, harvestmen offer unique
opportunities to test hypotheses on the evolution of
exclusive paternal. In this talk, I will first review the
theoretical background on sex roles and parental care,
contrasting classical views with the most recent math-
ematical models. Then, I will present a series of studies
conducted by my research group using Neotropical har-
vestmen as study systems. Using both field observations
and experiments, we contrasted predictions from differ-
ent theoretical models and evaluated costs and benefits
of paternal care. Our findings indicate that paternal
care increases males’ attractiveness to females. More-
over, we show that paternal care confers high benefits
to the offspring when compared to relatively low costs
to the males in terms of decreasing survival and
foraging rates. To conclude, I will integrate the avail-
able information for harvestmen and other arthropod
species in order to derive general conclusions on the
evolution of paternal care.
Keywords: paternal care, sexual selection, costs and
benefits, Opiliones, sex roles.
PLENARY presentation–Friday, July 8
How the brown recluse got its bite: evolu-
tionary assembly of spider venoms
Greta Binford
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA
binford@lclark.eduVenoms are complex phenotypes with a large and diverse
set of interacting molecular components. Spider venoms
have particularly deep evolutionary histories, and are
strikingly complex. We have much to learn about the
structure of variability in venoms and factors that influ-
ence major evolutionary changes in venom function. I
will discuss ongoing work to understand how spiders in
the family Sicariidae, including the brown recluse, evolved
their unique venoms that have toxins that are insecticidal
and cause dermonecrosis in mammals (sphingomyelinase
D toxins in the SicTox gene family). In the context of
the biology and evolutionary history of these animals, I
will discuss our improving understanding of the timing
and circumstance of the evolutionary recruitment of the
SicTox lineage for insecticidal venom function. I will also
present comparative venomic data that integrates HiSeq
transcriptomes of venom glands, and Orbitrap proteomic
analyses that characterize gene families contributing to
venom protetomes. This will include comparative analyses
of evolutionary dynamics of these gene family lineages.
Our dataset includes sampling across representatives
of diverse sicariids with common ancestry spanning ~
10–100 million years, and a range of non-sicariid hap-
logyne spiders including three taxa in their sister lineage
, and
) and other haplogy-
nes including pholcids and plectreurids.
Student - oral presentation
The mechanisms of chemical communica-
tion in
*Seira Ashley Adams
, Rosemary Gillespie
, Gabriele Uhl
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and
Management University of California, Berkeley, 130
Mulford Hall #3114, Berkeley, CA 94720-3114, USA;
Department of General and Systematic Zoology,