
Collecting in Uruguay

The law 9481 and ordinance 164/996 protect Uruguayan fauna. Scientific collection and exportation of specimens is regulated by the ‘Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad y Servicios Ecosistémicos (DINABISE), Ministerio de Ambiente, Uruguay’.

For obtaining permits for collection and exportation of specimens in Uruguay you require to complete an application form at: https://bpmgob.ambiente.gub.uy/tramites/disponibles

You need to register at the web of Presidencia de la República and follow the next steps for initiating the formal procedure:

  1. Go to ‘Solicitud de Permiso de Colecta Científica’ (Application to Permit for Scientific Collection).
  2. Complete the section ‘Certificados de Importación / Exportación de Fauna’ (Certificates of Importation / Exportation of Fauna).
  3. Once you finalized the previous steps, write an email to Dr. Claudia Elizondo (Email:  claudia.elizondo@ambiente.gub.uy) indicating you completed the form online.

If you plan to collect before or after the Congress, we recommend applying for the permit as soon as possible. Additionally, for collecting specimens in Protected Areas of Uruguay you should email your request to Sebastián Horta from Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, to shorta06@gmail.com