No. 3, July 2, 2016
Student - oral presentation
Species delimitation of the orchard-spider
Leucauge venusta
(Araneae, Tetragnathi-
dae) in North America
*Jesus A. Ballesteros, Gustavo Hormiga
The George Washington University, Department of Bio-
logical Sciences, 2029 G ST, NW, Bell 302 Washington
D. C. 20052
jabc@gwu.eduThe North American orchard-spider,
Leucauge venusta
is one of the most abundant and widespread species of
orb-weavers in the Americas. Records of this species
range from Southern Canada to Brazil. Of the 172 cur-
rently described species in the genus
, only
two are known to occur in the US, where
L. venusta
broadly distributed and
L. argyra
is restricted to the
subtropical parts in Florida. Preliminary analyses based
on the barcoding region of the mitochondrial Cyto-
chrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, reveal a deep gap
between “northern” and “southern” populations of
in the US. Specimens from southern populations
(Florida) group with specimens collected in Brazil. This
biogeographic pattern is particularly surprising given the
absence of obvious barriers to dispersal. Morphologically,
individuals from these southern and northern popula-
tions are indistinguishable, and the possibility of a
cryptic species has important implications for nomencla-
ture because
L. venusta
is the type species of the genus
. We examine the phylogeographic structure
and test the species boundaries of
L. venusta
using mito-
chondrial and nuclear genes from specimens collected
in Central and South America and a dense sampling
of North-American populations across known biogeo-
graphic barriers such as the Appalachian Mountains and
the Mississippi River.
includes more than 170
described species but its taxonomy is very poorly under-
stood. Untangling the identity of its type species of the
genus is an important step toward understanding the
diversity and evolution of orchard-spiders.
Keywords: phylogeography, spiders, population genetics,
coalescence, taxonomy
Student - poster presentation
Submersion tolerance among riparian and
non-riparian spiders
*Tara Barbarich, Hailey Shannon, Derek Wilson,
Matthew Persons
Susquehanna University, 514 University Avenue,
Selinsgrove, PA, 17870
Barbarich@susqu.eduTerrestrial arthropods that inhabit dynamic boundaries
between terrestrial and lotic systems are under constant
risk of flooding. Many spiders may have evolved behav-
ioral, physiological, or morphological adaptations to cope
with flooding either through avoidance or submersion tol-
erance. Mechanisms for coping with periodic flooding have
important implications for predicting species composition,
recolonization, and resilience against flood-related distur-
bance for riparian arthropod communities. We examined
submersion tolerance of spiders by taxon and microhabi-
tat. We compared web-building and cursorial, riparian and
non-riparian, and ground-dwelling versus more arboreal
species. We submerged individual spiders for three hours
in distilled water and recorded survival, activity level
immediately after removal, and activity level eight hours
after removal (N=1,154). During trials we noted spiders
that were in hypoxic comas versus those that formed puta-
tive plastrons (breathing bubbles) during submersion. We
found large differences in submergence tolerance by taxon
and habitat. Web-building spiders and vegetation dwelling
cursorial spiders showed poor survival post-submersion,
even those that live on overhanging vegetation along
rivers and streams. Most ground-dwelling cursorial spiders
including wolf spiders and fishing spiders showed no
negative effects of submersion and most were active the
entire time of submergence. We also found significant dif-
ferences in submersion tolerance between populations of
wolf spiders of the same species within the riparian zone
compared to populations from other habitats, suggesting
population-level local adaptation to flooding. Population-
level differences in submersion tolerance indicate that
riparian ground spiders likely persist during flood events
rather than being recolonized by new spider populations.
Keywords: flooding submergence, riparian, cursorial
International Congress of Arachnology