No. 3, July 2, 2016
International Congress of Arachnology
opportunity to identify indicators of a ‘healthy’ and sus-
tainable pasture. Spiders in pastures at Polyface Farms
(Swope, VA) under high-intensity, low-frequency rotational
grazing, and three immediately adjacent continuously
(conventionally) grazed pastures were collected in 0.25m
areas employing an intense two-stage suction-sampling
system of the vegetation and substrate. The most abundant
spider families in the pastures were Linyphiidae, Lycosidae,
Thomisidae, Araneidae, Salticidae, Clubionidae, Tetragnath-
idae, and Oxyopidae; the linyphiids were most abundant.
Although spider abundances significantly decreased after
the initial rotational grazing event, their numbers, diversity,
and evenness one day after grazing were still greater than
in conventionally grazed pastures. Araneid, salticid, and
clubionid proportions were most impacted after rotational
grazing. The overall proportional representations of major
spider taxa in rotationally grazed pastures changed after
grazing, and resembled conventionally grazed areas. While
spider abundances doubled post-grazing, spider number
decreased during this same time period in conventionally
grazed pastures. Discriminant analysis using spider genera
reveals a clear separation of the rotationally grazed pastures
(both pre- and post-grazing), from the conventionally
grazed pastures. Differences in vegetation structure and
soil compaction between pastures under rotational grazing
versus conventional grazing may explain observed differ-
ences in the spider communities. With further sampling and
analyses, pasture health may be assessed in the future by
determining spider community structure.
Keywords: spider communities, rotational grazing, com-
munity dynamics, succession, pastures
Student - poster presentation
Characterization of cryptic diversity of
Phrynidae in the Caribbean based on DNA
*Laura Caicedo-Quiroga
, Laura May-Collado
, Giselle Veve
Greta Binford
, Jonathan Coddington
, Ingi Agnarsson
University of Vermont, Department of Biology, 109 Car-
rigan Drive, Burlington, VT 05405-0086, United States;
Lewis & Clark College, Department of Biology, Portland
Oregon. 0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd;
Department of
Entomology, National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
lra.caicedo@gmail.comThe Caribbean biogeography project (CarBio) is begin-
ning to reveal the vast biodiversity of arachnids in the
region. Whip-spiders are a good example, as shown in
the first molecular phylogeny of
from Puerto
Rico and Dominican Republic which discovered numer-
ous overlooked ‘cryptic’ species. Our work expands upon
this phylogeny with samples from the remaining Greater
Antilles as well as several of the Lesser Antilles, and
Caribbean coasts of the Americas. We present prelimi-
nary results based on DNA barcoding with Cytochrome C
Oxidase Subunit I for 402 specimens representing eight
species from two genera of Phrynidae:
. Among the eight named species, we identify 40
clades separated by 5% or more sequence divergence. None
of the densely sampled nominal species is monospecific,
and many are non-monophyletic.
Phrynus longipes
rather than representing a widespread species, is found
to be a paraphyletic assemblage of multiple single-island
endemics, while
Phrynus marginemaculatus
is identified
as a monophyletic complex of at least five putative species.
Short range endemism characterizes all groups both on
islands and the mainland, with genetic variation showing
strong geographic structure. In addition we see evidence
of multiple colonization events to the Caribbean islands
and subsequent radiation of multiple lineages within
islands. Clade divergences are structured by geologic
barriers within islands, notably among cave systems, in
support of the “islands within islands” hypothesis.
Keywords: Amblypygi, barcoding, Caribbean, biodiver-
sity, cryptic radiation
Student - oral presentation
Systematic revision of genus
Reichling & West, 1996 (Araneae:
*Daniela T. Candia-Ramírez
, Oscar F. Francke
Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacio-
nal Autónoma de México, Av. Universidad 3000,
CP 04510, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, México;