No. 3, July 2, 2016
sprint performance. This work shows that while defensive
strategies may be sensitive to morphological traits, the
relationship is complex and inconsistent when considering
multiple traits, different sexes, and different species.
Keywords: antipredator behavior, scorpions, locomotor
performance, aggression, phenotypic integration
Student - oral presentation
Biogeographic patterns of Atlantic Forest
pholcid spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae)
Leonardo S. Carvalho
, Ubirajara de Oliveira
Bernhard A. Huber
, Adalberto J. Santos
Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Universidade
Federal do Piauí, BR 343, KM 3.5, Bairro Meladão,
CEP 64800-000, Floriano, PI, Brazil;
em Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil;
Departamento de Zoo-
logia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antonio Carlos, n.
6627, CEP 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil;
Alexander Koenig Research Museum of Zoology,
Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany
carvalho@ufpi.edu.brThe Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the World’s
most species-rich ecosystems, but also notoriously
endangered and still in need of large-scale studies for
many groups of organisms. For Pholcidae spiders, the
AF is characterized by high local species-richness and
species endemism. Aiming to propose areas of endemism
of the AF Pholcidae spiders and to investigate the species
composition variation throughout the AF, we gathered the
information on specimens collected in 48 AF localities,
together with literature data and museum records. This
database includes 2,744 records of 263 pholcid species
from all over Brazil (144 described and 119 undescribed
species), 183 of them endemic to the AF. A geographical
interpolation of endemism suggests the existence of eight
main areas of endemism, with three in Northeastern,
three in Southeastern and two in Southern Brazil. An
empirical Bayesian kriging of the species composition
followed by a cluster analysis based on likelihood reveals
15 areas with different pholcid species composition: six in
Northeastern, four in Southeastern and five in Southern
Brazil. The mean geographic distribution area of Phol-
cidae species throughout the Atlantic Forest is spatially
autocorrelated, with widely distributed species clustered in
three areas, and narrowly distributed species clustered in
three other areas; both types occur throughout the entire
biome. The known absolute geographic distribution area
of Pholcidae species from the Atlantic Forest is smaller
than that of species from the Amazon Forest. However, the
relative within biomes geographic distribution area is sta-
tistically similar. This analysis might be biased due to the
lack of sampling in the Amazon Forest. These preliminary
data suggest a complex distribution pattern of AF pholcid
spiders, which will be further investigated regarding its
phylogenetic beta diversity and beta diversity partition
Keywords: endemism; diversity; Brazil; species richness;
species composition; spider; biogeography
Student - poster presentation
Revision of
(Araneae, Sparas-
sidae) of Korea
*Junho Chae
74-1, Dosol-ro 267, beon-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Korea
junho0817@naver.comUntil now, study on Korean huntsman spiders, such as
, have mostly focused on describing a
physical variations and morphological mutation, disregard-
ing taxonomical differences within each species. As a result,
taxonomic diversity among this genus is being simplified in
South Korea. The author has studied about this genus and
especially classified some new species from existing species of
S. nocturnus
sp. nov.,
S. vitrana
sp. nov.,
S. jeju
S. kimbyeongwooi
sp. nov.,
S. hakgasanenesis
sp, nov.,
S. magnus
sp. nov.,
S. keojedoensis
sp. nov.,
S. littus
sp. nov.,
S. rubidius
sp. nov. are newly discovered from various
fields of Korea. Jäger & Ono (2002) considered
S. stellatops
to exist in Korea, and yet, each of the specimens have differ-
ent male palp and female epigyne. Thus I conclude none of
them are accurately matched with holotype of
S. stellatops
and that the existence of this species in Korea is questioned.
Keywords: Sparassidae,
, Heteropoda,
, taxonomy, Korean arachnology