No. 3, July 2, 2016
International Congress of Arachnology
São Paulo, SP, Brazil; ²Instituto de Biociências da
Universidade de São Paulo. R. do Matão. 05508-090
- Butantã, SãoPaulo SP, Brazil
i.cizauskas@gmail.comThe diversity of spiders that occurs in caves in Brazil
is poorly known. Little is known about the diversity of
species and their distribution and, ecological aspects as
behavioral characteristics (e.g., maternal behavior, the
webs architecture) and the relationship of these species
with the cave environment are even less studied. In this
study, we intend to map the diversity of spiders in caves in
different karst regions in Brazil, as well as to record and
analyse ecological characteristics of these species. Our
study is based on a data-bank (still being update, 2009–)
with information from more than 3,100 caves, based on
standardized sampling. So far, we identified 35,674 adult
spiders from 51 families distributed in 391 spp. Among
these, 43 species, distributed in the families Ochyroc-
eratidae, Tetrablemmidae, Oonopidae, Prodidomidae,
Symphytognathidae, Caponiidae, Hahniidae, Corinnidae,
Pholcidae, Ctenidae, Microstigmatidae, Dipluridae and
Theraphosidae, have characteristics that indicate prefer-
ence or isolation in the hypogean environment. This
information has been ordered and will be presented in
an analysis of guilds. We also evaluated the richness and
abundance of species and related it with environmental
variables (e.g., different lithologies). Among the results
related to the ecology, species that carry their egg-sacs
with them seem to be particularly abundant in caves com-
munities. All information of distribution, taxonomy and
ecology of cave species of Brazil are being organized to be
available on a website still under construction.
Keywords: cave spiders, mapping, diversity and behavior
Student - poster presentation
have equal mating success than intact
*Leticia Classen-Rodriguez
, Ignacio Escalante
Department of Environmental Science, University
of Puerto Rico–Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
Department of Environmental Science,
Policy and Management, University of California–
Berkeley, 94720 Berkeley, California, USA.
bohiti.ki@gmail.comBy studying sexual behavior in animals, biologists can
understand how particular morphological and behav-
ioral traits have evolved. Furthermore, the importance
of certain defensive strategies associated with mating
can be addressed, for its impact on reproductive success.
Autotomy –the voluntary releasing of legs– is a common
strategy used as an anti-predator defense mechanism
among arachnids. Although it may ensure immediate
survival, it may convey long-term costs in courtship and
individual fitness. This would be especially relevant for
arachnids with behaviorally complex courtship that involve
using their legs. For instance, some species of Sclerosoma-
tidae harvestmen interact by doing leg-wrappings during
courtship, which is known to be crucial for the male’s
mating success. Many species of Sclerosomatidae have
high frequency of autotomy. For example, in a currently
undescribed species of
in the Neotropical
rainforests of Costa Rica we observed that 61% of individu-
als, including males and females, were missing at least one
leg. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that leg condi-
tion (intact or autotomized) had an effect on the sexual
behavior and consequently, mating success particularly of
males, when compared to females. We conducted 144 lab
mating trials using either autotomized males or females,
or both. Overall, we found no major differences in court-
ship behavior nor mating success between autotomized and
intact individuals (mating success average 38 ± 3%). We
also found a similar pattern for mating interactions when
compared with field observations. We also described for
the first time in Neotropical harvestmen the details of the
mating behavior. Compared to temperate zone Sclerosoma-
sp. males did not wrap the females’
legs with their own. These findings suggest that autotomy
does not interfere with mating success, potentially explain-
ing why it is so prevalent in in this genus. However, this
mechanism remains to be studied.
Keywords: Opiliones, sexual behavior, mating success,
daddy-longlegs, Neotropical harvestmen