No. 3, July 2, 2016
International Congress of Arachnology
Due to the relative highest diversity of the family Styg-
nopsidae (Grassatores: Gonyleptoidea), its unknown
relationships and the increasing taxonomic works in the
last years, we performed a phylogenetic analysis concern-
ing this family. We produced four datasets: three molecular
markers, partial ribosomal 28S, mitochondrial ribosomal
16S, mitochondrial protein-encoding Cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I (COI), and 72 morphological characters.
With these data, we performed three different phylogenetic
analyses: Bayesian Inference with molecular data, and
Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood using combined data.
In our results we recovered the monophyly of Stygnopsi-
dae, with two major clades within the family, considered
and diagnosed as two subfamilies: Stygnopsinae and a new
subfamily assignment. According to the results and due
to the polyphyly of
, the
following genera were redefined:
stat. rev., also we detected a new genus
to allocate
Hoplobunus spinooculorum
. Additonally, the
following taxonomic changes are proposed:
queretarius, Stygnopsis apoalensis, Stygnopsis mexicana
Stygnopsis oaxacensis
new combinations. Finally, we
discuss the evolution of male genitalia and the importance
of some homoplastic characters.
Keywords: Laniatores, taxonomy, new subfamily, homo-
plastic, male genitalia
Oral presentation
Late Ordovician chelicerate diversity - new
insights from Manitoba Konservat-Lagerstätten
Michael B. Cuggy
, David M. Rudkin
, Graham A. Young
Department of Geological Sciences, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada;
Department of Natural History (Paleobiology), Royal
Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON M5S
2C6, Canada;
The Manitoba Museum, 190 Rupert
Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0N2, Canada
Michael.cuggy@usask.caTwo recently discovered Konservat-Lagerstätte deposits in
central and northern Manitoba are yielding many exciting
new fossils. Some of these provide a compelling (and often
confounding) record of emerging chelicerate arthropod
diversity in Late Ordovician (Richmondian) restricted
shallow marine environments of central Laurentia.
Biotic assemblages from the William Lake (Grand Rapids
Uplands; Williston Basin) and Airport Cove (Churchill area;
Hudson Bay Basin) sites both contain representatives of
the early xiphosurid horseshoe crab
Lunataspis aurora
including juvenile individuals revealing allometric growth
of the prosomal shield and telson. Elements of unusual new
eurypterid taxa have so far been identified from William
Lake. It possesses a puzzling chimera-like combination
of exoskeletal characters, including a novel swimming
paddle morphology, setting it apart from all other described
forms. The William Lake section, in addition, includes the
first Ordovician record of a sea spider - the only known
fossil occurrence of the rare and bizarre Pycnogonida in
rocks of demonstrable shallow-water origin. Fragmentary
remains of other non-biomineralizing arthropods found
at both sites hint that other chelicerate groups, such as the
‘synziphosurines’ and chasmataspidids, may be present.
These discoveries provide a unique window into the early
radiation of the chelicerate arthropods and suggest that
Ordovician marginal marine habitats may have been the
setting for much of their initial diversification.
Keywords: fossils, marine, evolution
Oral presentation
Dual function of male genitalia in
–sperm removal and sperm transfer
Anne Danielson-Francois, Yevhen Drobot
University of Michigan - Dearborn, Department of
Natural Sciences, 4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn,
MI 48128, USA
danfranc@umich.eduMale long jawed orb weavers of the genus
have several unusual pedipalp structures. The most strik-
ing is the elegant corkscrew-like spiral of the conductor,
which guides the sperm releasing embolus to its final
destination. We have demonstrated that this structure,
in concert with other features, removes stored rival male
sperm and biases paternity towards the last male in the
Tetragnatha elongata
(Walckenaer, 1841). In
addition to removing stored rival sperm, male
T. elongata