No. 3, July 2, 2016
International Congress of Arachnology
autotomizes a limb, its boldness will decrease in concert
with a decrease in sprint speed. To test this, the boldness,
latency to attack prey and sprint speed across three differ-
ent substrates will be measured for individual
D. triton
before and after the autotomy of one leg, which will be
standardized across all individuals. Some individuals with
one autotomized leg will subsequently have a second leg
removed, which will serve to test a further hypothesis that
boldness is a syndrome of sprint speed and will continue
to decrease, until a point, as legs are removed. This
experiment could provide significant insight into how an
awareness of physical ability can affect an individual’s
behavior within a varying number of ecological contexts.
Keywords: autotomy, boldness, fishing spider, behavior
Student - oral presentation
Adaptive timing of predatory activity by a
mosquito-specialist predator
*Chan Deng
, Robert R. Jackson
1School of Biological Sciences, University of Canter-
bury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand;
2International Centre of Insect Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE), Thomas Odhiambo Campus, P.O. Box
30, Mbita Point 40305, Kenya
happydengchan@gmail.comEvarcha culicivora
is a mosquito-specialist salticid
spider from East Africa that feeds indirectly on vertebrate
blood by actively choosing blood-carrying mosquitoes
as preferred prey and by actively choosing
preferred mosquitoes. We consider whether specialization
by this predator is also expressed in the timing of preda-
tory activity. Our data from field sampling and from
systematically observing
E. culicivora
under semi-field
conditions show that predation tends to be concentrated
in the early morning hours, this being when night-feeding
anthropophilic anopheline mosquitoes tend to be resting
while they digest blood meals acquired during the night.
In experiments using living prey and other experiments
using lures made from dead prey,
E. culicivora
was sig-
nificantly more responsive to prey and significantly more
inclined to choose its preferred prey in the morning than
in the afternoon. We also show that response to prey odour
is significantly stronger in the morning than in the after-
noon. Although
E. culicivora
is known to be attracted to
mate, plant and human odour, we found was no significant
diel pattern in response to mate, plant or human odour
and no significant diel pattern in inclination to mate.
These findings suggest that
E. culicivora
has an innate
activity pattern specific to predation, this being a pattern
that should facilitate encounters with its preferred prey.
Keywords: specialization, predation,
Evarcha culicivora
Anopheles gambiae
Student - oral presentation
Population genomics and phylogeography
Sclerobunus robustus
from the south-
western United States
*Shahan Derkarabetian
1, 2
, Mercedes Burns
, James
, Marshal Hedin
Department of Biology, San Diego State University,
San Diego, California 92182-4614, USA;
of Biology, University of California Riverside, River-
side, California 92521, USA
sderkarabetian@gmail.comThe integration of ecological niche modeling into phylo-
geographic analyses has allowed for identification and
testing of potential refugia under a hypothesis-based
framework. In this study we focus on a montane-restricted
cryophilic harvestman,
Sclerobunus robustus
, distributed
throughout the heterogeneous Southern Rocky Mountains
and Intermontane Plateau (SRMIP) of southwestern
North America. We identified hypothetical refugia using
ecological niche models (ENMs) across three time periods,
corroborated these refugia with population genetic
methods using RAD-loci data acquired with double-digest
RAD-seq, and conducted population level phylogenetic and
divergence dating analyses. ENMs identify two large tem-
porally persistent regions in the mid-latitude highlands.
Genetic patterns support these two hypothesized refugia
with higher genetic diversity within refugial populations
and evidence for range expansion in populations found
outside of hypothesized refugia. Phylogenetic analyses
identify five to six genetically divergent, geographically