No. 3, July 2, 2016
years ago, argiopines dispersed repeatedly to Madagascar,
Eastern Palearctic and Australasia, but such long distance
dispersal events were rarer in the recent 10 million years, a
time of extensive within continent diversification.
Keywords: Argiopinae, biogeography,
Oral presentation
The diversity of long-jawed spiders (Tet-
ragnathidae) in Thailand
Wimolwan Chotwong, Charuwat Taekul
Entomology and Zoology Division, Plant Protection
Research and Development Office, Department of
Agriculture, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand
wimolwanc@hotmail.comSpiders are considered one of the effective predators,
attacking several small animal especially insect pests.
This predator is typically found in many places, e.g.,
paddy field, orchards, forests, and agricultural planta-
tions. The genus
is the most important
predatory spider in paddy fields. Despite the fact that
this spider plays a vital role in the control of
tettix virescens
, the potential insect pest in paddy
field, none of these studies have been conducted in
Thailand. The distribution survey and collecting were
implemented in 18 provinces across the country from
October 2011-September 2014. The identification and
taxonomic study were carried out under microscope
and specimens were preserved in the 75% ethanol. The
result revealed that 15 species in five genera were found
Dyschiriognatha dentata, Leucauge celebe-
siana, L. decorata, L. tessellata, Opadometa grata,
Orsinome vethi, Tetragnatha ceylonica, T. hasselti,
T. javana, T. mandibulata, T. maxillosa, T. nitens,
T. vermiformis, Tylorida striata
T. ventralis
. The
spider local database was also established at Depart-
ment of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand. The results can be
extrapolated to the integrated pest management (IPM)
strategy as well as biological control program to control
insect pests in Thailand in the long run.
Keywords: long-jawed spider, Tetragnathidae, diversity,
Student- poster presentation
Behavior-driven range expansion in the
colonial tentweb orbweaver,
Angela Chuang, Susan E. Riechert
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
angelachuang@tennessee.eduGiven the drastic ecological and economic costs of biologi-
cal invasions, identifying population traits and underlying
mechanisms of colonization success is crucial to under-
standing range expansion processes. The range expansion
of a species is dependent on individuals dispersing beyond
current range limits at the leading edge. The spatial sorting
hypothesis predicts that, like frontrunners of a race, phe-
notypes linked with higher dispersal tendencies will tend
to accumulate at the leading edge of an expanding range.
This hypothesis provides an alternative explanation for
landscape-level phenotypic distributions besides local adap-
tation and is particularly relevant for dynamic populations
such as invasions. In this study, the range expansion of the
invasive colonial tentweb orbweaver,
Cyrtophora citricola
is used to test the spatial sorting hypothesis on behavioral
traits linked to dispersal tendency. Spiders were collected
across their invasive range in Florida and assayed both in
field and laboratory settings for putative traits of boldness,
aggression, activity, and exploratory tendency. Preliminary
analyses suggest that a behavioral cline exists at the range-
level, with bolder spiders found preferentially at the leading
edge of this invasion. This provides evidence of behavior as
a driving factor of range expansions.
Keywords: animal personality, Araneidae, biological
invasion, boldness
Student - oral presentation
Diversity, mapping and ecological aspects
of cave spiders from Brazil (Arachnida,
*Igor Cizauskas¹,², A. D. Brescovit¹
¹Laboratório Especial de Coleções Zoológicas do Insti-
tuto Butantan. Av. Vital Brasil, 1500. 05503-900.