Research Centre, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Novi trg 2, P.O. Box 306, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron,
Akron OH 44325-3909, USA; 4Department of Biological
Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Virginia 24061, USA
blackledge@uakron.eduThe evolution of viscid aggregate glues is associated with
the radiation of orb-weaving spiders. Aggregate glue
forms the sticky droplets on prey capture threads and is
a composite of viscoelastic glycoproteins and organic
salts. While the glycoproteins are the primary adhesive,
the salts absorb atmospheric water, thereby plasticizing
the threads, and directly solvate the proteins, helping
the glycoproteins to spread across surfaces. The high
extensibility of the droplets allows them to extend in a
“suspension bridge” system that also recruits adhesion
across the entire thread’s length. Here, we explore how
each of these elements is responds responsive to humid-
ity and results in the capture threads of diverse species
of spiders function optimally at different humidities. We
argue that the chemical composition of the organic salts
is a highly evolvable mechanism that “tunes” orb function
to particular microhabitats, and that this principle can be
exploited in the design of synthetic smart adhesives.
Keywords: adhesion, aggregate, biomechanics, biomate-
rials, orb web, prey capture, viscid silk
Oral presentation
Analysis of spider silk structural variability
using small and wide-angle X-ray diffraction
Sean J. Blamires
Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, School of
Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, The Uni-
versity of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia
s.blamires@unsw.edu.auSpider major ampullate (MA) silk is nature’s toughest
material. Attempts to synthesise silk-like fibers have so far
been unsuccessful. One reason for this is that the structures
and properties of MA silk are variable across environments.
The high strength and extensibility in MA silk is a product
of its protein arrangements and tertiary structures. It is
becoming evident that a more complete elucidation of the
molecular mechanism behind the property variations of
spider MA silk lies in understanding the evolution of spider
silk performance. Small-angle X-ray diffraction imaging
of silks produces an amorphous ring and equatorial
streak allowing identification of the structure of the fiber
along its meridian. Accordingly, it has been successfully
used to elucidate the structure of the amorphous region.
Wide angle X-ray diffraction on the other hand is useful
for determining the size, alignment and orientation of
crystalline structures. A combination of both small and
wide-angled diffraction is essential for gaining a thorough
insight into the structures of spider silk proteins. Because
most of the work correlating protein structure with
mechanical performance has thus far concentrated on the
high performing silks of web building spiders, we do not
understand the processes facilitating variations in silk per-
formance at molecular scales across the spider phylogeny. I
have performed experiments manipulating the diet of dif-
ferent spiders and examined the crystalline and amorphous
structures of the silk proteins using small and wide angle
X-ray scattering and found a combination of crystalline
and amorphous features synergistically induce variations
in protein strength and extensibility. Moreover, the mecha-
nisms of structural variability seem to be consistent across
different spiders. Future research will use SAXS/WAXS
analyses to examine the protein structures in the silks of a
wider range of web building and non-web building spiders.
Keywords: silk, nano-structures, X-ray diffraction properties
Oral presentation
Spiders in sloping blockfield habitats in the
Fichtel Mountains (NE Bavaria, Germany)
Theo Blick
, Michael-Andreas Fritze
Callistus - Gemeinschaft für Zoologische & Ökologische
Untersuchungen, Heidloh 8, 95503 Hummeltal,
Dahlienstr. 15, 95488 Eckersdorf, Germany
blick@callistus.deMotivated by the research on stony debris (talus) habitats
of the spider and invertebrate fauna by Ruzicka (Czech
Republic) and Molenda (Germany/Belgium to Italy), we
obtained funding for research on these special habitats
No. 3, July 2, 2016