No. 3, July 2, 2016
in the Fichtel Mountains (Upper Franconia, NE Bavaria,
Germany). The mountains are of Variscan origin (380-280
my old) and the rocks are mainly Granite. The sloping
blockfields contain mainly large rocks (>1m). Knowing of
single species specialized on such habitats from the region
Clubiona alpicola, Sitticus saxicola, Acantholycosa
norvegica, Choleva lederiana
), we expected to find more
specialists and at more sites. A pre-study confirmed this
estimation. A variety of sites was selected, with the focus
on the natural sloping blockfields (felsenmeer). But we
also included artificial sites (from mining) as well as rocky
sites and adjacent forested or grassland sites. The altitude
range was from 560m to 1050m, with most sites between
800 to 1040m. Besides the spiders, some beetle-groups,
harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, and snow flies (
are determined to species level. Several spider species spe-
cialized on talus habitats were found, also several species
which live only at higher elevations. Mostly the typical talus
spiders live also in other habitats in the Alps over 2000m.
One species (
Bathyphantes eumenis buchari
) is not
known from the Alps and has its origin in stony (riparian)
habitats in Siberia and the Arctic. Together with some other
species, it is judged to be a glacial relict (peri- or postgla-
cial). These species are all endangered by current climate
change. A classification of the recorded spider species and
coenoses was made according to various parameters: total
distribution, threatened status in Germany, frequency in
Germany, stenotopy, naturalness of its preferred habitats.
These data confirm the specialness of the talus habitats,
even compared with adjacent rocky and other sites.
Keywords: spiders, Germany, mountains, blockfield,
Oral presentation
Historical refugia have shaped biogeogra-
phy of dispersal-limited mite harvestmen
(Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) from the
Australian wet tropics
Sarah L. Boyer
, Tricia M. Markle
, Caitlin M. Baker
Amy M. Luxbacher
, Ken H. Kozak
Biology Department, Macalester College, 1600 Grand
Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105, USA;
of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University
of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108, USA;
ment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard
University, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
boyer@macalester.eduHow did Pleistocene glacial cycling affect the diversity of
rainforest life? Over the past several decades, biologists
have tested the hypothesis that forest contraction and
fragmentation drove speciation in rainforest animals,
concluding that in most cases species-level divergences
predate the Pleistocene. More recently, focus has turned
to the role of Pleistocene refugia in preserving lineages,
effectively acting as “museums” of biodiversity. We tested
this model in a lineage of tiny dispersal-limited mite
harvestmen (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) distributed
throughout in the rainforests of the Australian wet tropics.
We generated a model of habitat suitability for the genus
Austropurcellia and projected it onto paleoclimate data
layers dating back to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
We compared the power of present-day and past distribu-
tion of suitable climatic conditions to predict present-day
distribution of diversity across subregions of the Wet
Tropics. We found that the distribution of suitable climatic
conditions during the LGM is the best predictor of both
number of species and phylogenetic diversity in our study
system, outperforming current distribution of suitable cli-
matic conditions. This finding is consistent with a model
in which historical refugia have played a significant role
in establishing present-day biogeographic patterns.
Keywords: biogeography, Opiliones, phylogeny, species
Oral presentation
On the track of the wolf: systematics of
North American species described in the
Allen Brady, Lauren Fogg
Department of Biology, Hope College, Holland, MI 49423
brady@hope.eduA brief synopsis of continuing research focused upon the
systematic relationships of North American species of
International Congress of Arachnology