We received 59 applications to the "Maria Elena Galiano" grant and 80 to the ISA travel grants, to attend the 22nd ICA in Uruguay.
The Scientific Committees, composed of arachnologists from different regions of the world, awarded the grants as follows:
Maria Elena Galiano grants
total (registration fee +750 American dollars)
- Sâmia Martins Oliveira
- Elis Maria Gomes Santana
partial (registration fee+350 American dollars)
- Tomás Guerrero Molina
- Pedro H. Martins
- Anna Luiza Oliveira Martins
- Esther Verena Guimarães França
- Pedro Peñaherrera Romero
ISA grants (registration fee + 500 American dollars)
- Hlebec, Dora
- Fonseca-Ferreira, Rafael
- Segura Hernández, Laura
- Steiner, Hugh
- Disla, Cielo
- Porto, Williams
- Opris, Andrada
- Penna-Goncalves, Vanessa
- García, Erika L.
- Cotoras, Darko
María Elena Galiano grant for Latin American students in Arachnology
This grant is intended to generate a positive impact in the development of the research career of Latin American students, by supporting their attendance to the 22nd ICA Congress. Funds for this grant were obtained through donations from participants of the VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Aracnología, in Argentina.
Requirements: native citizen or naturalized citizen in a Latin American country, currently student (or having finished an undergraduate or Master’s course up to one year before 22nd ICA 2023), carrying an undergraduate or postgraduate project focused in arachnology (Post-Docs are not eligible for this grant).
Categories of María Elena Galiano grants
Two Total Grants: U$S250 to cover congress registration fee (for all winners the inscription fee will have an amount equal to the category ISA student) + 1000 -1250 American dollarsA minimum of four "Partial Grants": U$S250 to cover congress registration fee (for all winners the inscription fee will have an amount equal to the category ISA student)+ 250 American dollars
ISA Student Travel Grants

This grant is intended to generate a positive impact in the arachnological research career of students and Post-Docs, by supporting their attendance to the 22nd ICA Congress.
Requirements: being at the time of the postulation a university student (undergraduate, Msc, PhD student), or a Post-Doc with a research project focused in arachnology.
Category of ISA Congress grants
Exoneration of congress fee + 500 American dollars