
Symposia & Workshops

Tribute to Norman I. Platnick (Organizers: Gustavo Hormiga & Martín Ramírez)

Women in Arachnology: understanding the gender bias (Organizers: SWA; Ana Lúcia Tourinho, Nancy Lo-Man-Hung, Cibele Bragagnolo, Lina M. Almeida-Silva & Amanda Cruz Mendes)

Solifugae: current knowledge and future directions (Coordinators: David Vrech and Paula Cushing)

Social Spiders (Coordinator: Carmen Viera)

Advances in the role of spiders in agroecosystems (Coordinators: Luis Fernando García and Stano Pekár)


We will also have two Pre-congress workshops:

Updating the guidelines for arachnological papers in Zootaxa (Coordinators: Christoph Muster and Peter Jäger), open to past and current Arachnida Editors of Zootaxa and for those colleagues interested to join the Editorial team. 5th March, from 14:00 to 17:00 hours at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable (IIBCE), Avenida Italia 3318, Montevideo. This workshop will include two modalities: in person and online.

Recognizing and Interrupting Unconscious Bias in STEM (Coordinator: Maydianne Andrade), 5th March, from 9:00 to 13:00 hours at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable (IIBCE). The workshop will include a conference that will be shared in youtube; the second half of the workshop will occur in person. Limited quota for in person attendance: 50

Both Workshops are free of charge. Please confirm attendance at 22ica.uy@gmail.com including in the subject the name of the workshop.